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Why Our Children Should ALL Try Dance

By Brittany Kerfoot, Freelance Writer, Language Arts Instructor

Despite the fact that many public schools are being forced to remove arts programs from their curricula due to budget cuts, classes like dance and theatre remain an integral part of your child’s education. While math and science prepare children to think analytically and employ logical thinking, the arts allow them to express themselves and channel their energy while also teaching them the value of discipline and hard work.

As a child, I never liked or excelled in sports, but as soon as my mother signed me up for dance classes, I knew I belonged at the barre. Dancing allowed me to express my emotions when words failed, and gave me a sense of confidence I previously lacked. According to FamilyTalk Magazine, dance lessons can improve your child’s social and communication skills by teaching them how to work as part of a team. Dance is especially beneficial for shy or introverted children and expands their social circle. I made lifelong friends in my classes, and learned skills like collaboration, patience, and perseverance.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of dance for children is its ability to spark creativity. Dancers must learn how to convey feeling without words, which requires them to use a part of their brain that is not always activated during the school day. Exercising creativity in areas like dance actually improve your child’s performance in other subjects. Another finding from FamilyTalk Magazine estimates that students with a background in dance often achieve significantly higher SAT scores and do perform better in math and science.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to enroll your child in a dance class, Washington Cathay Future Center (WCFC) in Rockville, MD has a number of offerings to fit different skill levels and schedules. Their summer camp program offers musical theatre for ages ranging from 5-10+, as well as hip hop, modern, and jazz classes. And there will be a $5.00 Street Dance Workshop on Aug 11 for anyone community! During the school year, WCFC has even more dance courses including ballet, street dance, dance party workout, and Dancing Through Disney. There are even classes for adults, like a morning “Mommy and Me” dance class and Hip Hop Abroebics in the evening.