Mastering Chinese Pinyin – New Schedule


授课时间 :

6月23到 8月27,

每周二四 10-11am

Time:  6/23-8/27

Every Tue & Thur 10-11am

授课老师; 刘子真

Instructor : Zizhen Liu



汉语拼音是学习汉语,掌握汉语的重要工具和途径,学会汉语拼音,孩子们就可以跟着拼音自己念书、打字、查字典,本课程通过20个课时认真扎实的学习,帮助孩子们完全掌握汉语拼音 ,小小孩会自己拼读, 大孩子掌握汉语打字技能。与此同时,孩子们通过标准专业的语音训练,掌握标准流利的中文发音,达到演讲朗诵的标准。

Short Description : Enable students to master Chinese Pinyin within 20 hours. Chinese Pinyin, the Chinese phnoetic alphabet system, is the most important tool to learn Chinese. This intensive course is designed to help learners to read and type Chinese fluently and accurately.

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